House of Prayer

Prayer Room

The prayer room invites you to encounter God. Musicians, singers and prayer leaders organise the prayer times in two-hour sets. Visitors are welcome to come and go at any time during opening hours. There are also other special sessions and events in which you can participate.

The usually two-hour sets can be divided into various types of prayer times:

Worship and devotion to God is the focus of this set. It offers a space to be in God's presence in personal worship and prayer, to encounter Jesus, to look at Him and thus be changed into His image.

Together we intercede for various causes in the region, the country and the world. We pray on the basis of the Bible and let sung and spoken prayers flow together. Every visitor is invited to participate in these times of prayer. These sets are labeled with "Prayer for..." and the respective prayer topic in the Prayer Room Calendar

Here, the Word of God takes center stage. Singers, musicians and prayer leaders deepen individual verses and passages from the Bible while singing and praying. This is a set that gives everyone present in the room the opportunity to go deeper in God's Word, find treasures in it, be filled anew with the truth of the Bible, and get to know Jesus better.

  • Recorded Music/Livestream

    Although our long-term goal is to have all sets filled with live worship, there are currently times when worship is played medially. These sets are marked on the Prayer Room Calendar in the "Worship Lead" column with the notation " recorded music/livestream".


  • Events & Special Sessions
    Sometimes there are also events and special sessions taking place in the prayer room. Dates and details of these can be found under Events and Special session. In the Prayer Room Calendar, the title of the event or special session can be found in the column "Set/Prayer Theme".

Cafeteria – Taste&See

Taste and see that the Lord is good! (Psalm 34:9a) Experience fellowship and hospitality at the big table. Or enjoy a cappuccino on the couch. We love to exchange ideas and find out how others are doing.

Here you can find out when the Taste&See cafeteria is open and when dinner is served. The cafeteria is open for self-service during the other opening hours of hop Basel.

Silent Room

In the stylishly furnished Room of Silence on the 3rd basement floor, you can find peace and encounter God without distractions.